Take The Good Neighbor Quiz – You Might Be A Good Neighbor IF…

Maybe you’re like me — I had the “want to” but didn’t have the “know how”. I wanted to be a good neighbor. I was 110% on board with Jesus Great Commandment of loving God and loving my neighbor....

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Church Closes Doors One Week After Easter

The church building was full just seven days ago. Holy Week prior bustled with the activity of traditional Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Saturday brought smiles and laughter of children at the annual community Easter event. And yet —...

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Sorry Easter You Didn’t Make The Final Four — Rankings of Most Popular Holidays

Ahh…Spring is in the air! The signs are all around us. Flowers are blooming, daylight savings time is back, and college basketball’s March Madness with its rankings of the 64 best teams is in full swing. And oh yes,...

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Golfers Doing Good — Recipients of Good Neighbor Award

LEWISVILLE, TEXAS – A group of Coppell based “golfers doing good” have been chosen as the December 2017 good neighbors of the month, an award presented by Loving Community a local neighborhood advocacy group. So the question is can you...

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Why WON’T You Be My Neighbor?

“Why is it that church goers here in Texas are always inviting us to go to their church stuff, but they never want to hang out in the neighborhood and do stuff with us?” This was the question asked...

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Happy Birthday Loving Community – Three Years Old!

Has it been three years already? It HAS — and in the words of most founders of any organization, be it for profit or non-profit as is the case of Loving Community, it’s been the hardest thing and the...

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A Season of Good News — The Sacrament of Party – 10 Celebrations in 10 Days

I love a good party. Count me in! I also love a good “Top Ten” list. So combining the two, below is my“Top Ten Celebrations" I’ve been part of in the past ten days. Now in fairness, there’s not...

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No Building, So Where Do You Meet? – The Life of a Community Pastor

I can almost always see it coming. A Community Pastor, huh? Then with curious facial expressions come the predictable questions. “So what church do you pastor? Where do you meet?” Early on in my role as a Community Pastor I...

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I Belong to the “Out of Office” Tribe

I gave up my office four years ago and haven’t looked back. Like many others in our “good to great” society I toiled to accumulate the status trophies of success, one being the bigger better office. And applying myself,...

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Jesus – The Original Barista

It was displayed in plain sight. I’m sure I must have seen it before. However on this particular evening while waiting on my next appointment, it caught both my attention and curiosity. Three short phrases carefully crafted together. One...

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