WWJD? – #walkout #walkup #walkaround-NOT!
Remember WWJD? In 1896 the Kansas Congregational minister Charles Sheldon published a novel called In His Steps: What would Jesus do? in which a town is revolutionized when Christians “pledged themselves, earnestly and honestly for an entire year, not to do anything without first asking the question, ‘What would Jesus do?’”.
Now some 120 years later, and thanks to Twitter we have the #hashtag movement giving voice to countless social movements and political hacks. To make it BIG today you need a trending hashtag or a committed group of followers, just ask @realdonaldtrump who has 51.3 million followers or @kattyperry who doubles that with 109 million followers!
The epidemic of gun violence and assault on our citizenry, especially school students has produced the movements and hashtags #walkout, #walkup and others. On my #prayerwalk this morning I began to think #wwjd? If @realJesus had 140 characters to like or retweet the #walkout or #walkup movement, well #wwjd?
So…I think Jesus demonstrated the need to #walkout at times. He walked out of heaven, crossed the cosmos and became the first missionary, the “sent one”. He walked out of a temple (church) who had become self centered and self seeking. He walked out of the grave to signify his command over sin and death.
He too modeled the need to #walkup to the least, the lost, and the lonely — in fact all of humankind. The dishonest tax collector, the broken woman at the well, the faltering disciple Peter on the sea, the grieving sisters of Lazarus. Jesus said he was a friend of the publican and sinners and had come to be with the sick, not the well.
Best I can tell the only “walk” that Jesus never did was the #walkaround or you could say #walkaround-NOT! In an attempt to trip up @realJesus one day the #teachersofthelaw asked @realJesus the limits of their need to love others. His reply came in the story of the @goodsamaritan where @realJesus taught the need to be a @goodneighobr to EVERYONE!
Yep…so that’s what I heard from @holyspiritofgod this Sunday morning as I pondered the question @wwjd.
Live humbly and kind,
Another great one!