When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Appears — Reflections on #RestBreak2016

#RestBreak2016Fourteen days, six states, 2,100 plus miles, six different beds slept in, lots of naps and BBQ, and we’ve now returned to the Texas heat and humidity from our summer rest break. It was wonderful, and restful!

It was everything — and yet nothing that “I HAD PLANNED”! Let me explain.

Do you ever have a conversation between your ears? I do! Often times it goes something like this, “Life would be so much better if God would just listen to me and my plans”! Please, tell me I’m not the only one that does this!

Reflecting on our time away to unplug, perhaps the greatest take aways are expressed in a couple of simple sayings most often heard in the rooms of the spiritual 12-step recovery programs. “Let go and let God”, and “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. Pretty simple, huh?

What I’m learning (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) is that when I intentionally carve out time and space, a classroom of learning appears. And for this particular season of life God seems to be saying to me, Jim, My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways…” ~ Isaiah 55:8 CEB

teacherwillappear_BuddhistProverbNow did I have a plan for our time away? Absolutely! Did it unfold as I had planned? Absolutely not! My right brained comfort zone is placing God in a finite box of my understanding. And yet his invitation is into the mystery, far beyond my understanding and plans. When I choose to learn (the student), He (the teacher) then can call me into the deep waters.

So below are some of my personal reflections of how I’m learning to be more like Jesus. I hope they’re helpful. A small caution. This is what God is teaching ME. Your experiences may be different.

My “Top Ten” List From #RestBreak2016

1.  The Plan — Plans are not bad, but whose plan?

In the hours leading up to our rest break, our last activity on Friday night was sponsoring a school dance for a few hundred “hip hopping” middle schoolers. Did you get that? I smile at the irony of a baptist pastor presiding over a dance!

CbffR7gUkAArabQOne might ask, “Wouldn’t it be more spiritual to be presiding over a “high brow” saint saturated church service”? In this case, apparently not! In our calling to pastor our full community, our underserved neighborhood middle school (780 students and 100 staff) is just one of the little flocks we serve. Upside down, huh? We consider the entire 12 square miles of our zip code and its 61,000 residents as our neighbors whom God has called us and placed us to love.

As I read the gospels Jesus modeled serving the underserved. As we are learning to go where God opens the doors of opportunity, we are finding the richness of relationships and the opportunity to be good news to others. That seems to be his plan!

“Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us;” ~ Ephesians 3:20 CEB

2.  The Co-Laborers — “Big hat, no cattle” is the Texas friendly way of pointing out those who might have a bit more “talk than walk” when it comes to some aspect of life.

IMG_5308In my experience, “by-in-large” our western church model runs cross ways to the Jesus way of incarnational living. For many church attenders “missions” has become an occasional church sponsored activity. Relationally engaging and ministering to the needs of our neighbors, an event — not a way of life. You might say “big hat, not much cattle”!

Our pre-trip “school dance” (aka a way to show love and concern, and be Jesus to an entire school and community) provided an unconventional way for a group of people to be the hands and “dancing feet” of Jesus. Again, his plan not ours!

In recruiting volunteers, some stepped back, some stepped up. Those that stepped back were too busy, too burdened, too involved, too over committed — often times to their own “church” activities. Those that stepped up were neighbors, millennials, corporate volunteers — that had the time and margin to help bring a little heaven to earth, to carry the “good news” to the community. Ironic huh?

I am continuing to learn what it means to live out the incarnational model of Jesus, “moving into” the neighborhood and loving my neighbors, and schools, and senior adult homes, and budget hotels.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” ~ Mark 10:45 ESV

3.  The Affirmation — A word or card of thanks goes a long way!

Just as “please and thank you” go hand in hand, we find that in serving others, thank you is often  the response! Thank you for coming, thank you for helping, thank you for listening, thank you for noticing me. Pretty cool, huh?

thank-you-noteNow, we don’t engage the needs of others with this as the primary motivation. It just seems to be built into God’s economy. Good deeds often are followed by good words of kindness and affirmation.

Following the school dance I received this Facebook message from one the the teachers:

“Jim, first let me say THANK YOU for all you’ve done to help the Durham MS community….

I was curious, how does one become involved with volunteering with your Loving Community group? I’m not in a position to do much financially however when my daughters are visiting their father I have plenty of time on my hands and would love to help out. Being a single mom and teacher gives me a unique perspective and I want nothing more than to be an example of God’s love to those who need it and my sweet girls.”

These kind words remind me that in the end, “love wins”. In simply serving others, someone is blessed and inspired and wants to pay it forward. Yeah God!

“Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” ~ Proverbs 16:24 NLT

4.  The Faith — By all accounts, financially and otherwise I have lived a charmed life! Especially in view of global citizenship. We have shelter, clean drinking water, food, access to health care, transportation, and the list goes on.

9eae4ca8054f6100270f8664955ba148And yet two years ago as God called us to start a non-profit public charity, we left the security of a regular paycheck, employer provided health insurance, and yes conference, sabbatical, and continuing learning perks. Ouch! And to be completely transparent, the security that comes with money and stuff, for me had become an idol of sorts.

What I am learning (and again in a very American setting) is to walk by faith and not by sight. God is my provider, not Jim. God meets our needs, not Jim. God provides what we need and when we need it.

Case in point our rest break. So what does14-days away cost — meals, lodging, transportation? And trust me we weren’t slumming it! We stayed in 5-star settings, with lakes and forrest, morning coffees on scenic overlooks, private rooms and cabins, historic tours, flavorful and tasty eats and drinks, and the richest in Southern hospitality.

How much? How about less than $500, or about $36 bucks a day! Now don’t ask me how all the numbers work, but what we are learning is that when we choose to look to God and not ourselves for the richness of life, God comes through!

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

5.  The Center — This should be a no-brainer, however for me it merits repeating, and often. — I AM NOT the center of the universe! (nor are my kids) And because of that I don’t spin the globe nor am I responsible for making all right with the world. That’s God’s role, not mine.

worldrevolvesaroundmeWhat I am learning is that there is crazy need in our world, more than I could ever meet. Truth is, there is more need on the single block where I live than I can meet. Again, God’s deal not mine. So, what I am doing is trying to listen to God, show up where he asks me to show up, rest and take time off as Jesus modeled, and keep repeating to myself, Jesus is the hope of the world, not me!

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ~ Matt. 11: 28-30

6.  The Trust — When the best laid plans blow up, is that a good thing or a bad thing? When things don’t go “according to plan”, if-plan-a-960x960do I see changes and detours as annoyances and problems, or do I look to this new “Plan B” as God’s intended and better plan.

The larger question for me and what I am learning is where do I place my trust? Again, is it me or is it ultimately in God. How often do my attitudes and actions convey, “God, I’ve got this.” As I find myself in “Jim mode”, I have to simply remember, I must let go, and let God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

7.  The Sheep — We love our community and neighborhood! It’s a melting pot of color and beauty and culture. By far it’s not the richest community. Indeed the schools are title one schools with lots of needs. Yes our landscape is plagued with pay-day lending vendors and hotels housing the homeless. Loneliness is found in the many senior adult homes and sprawling apartment complexes. But it’s home for us!

jesus-in-the-breadline-p-eichenbergMost in our community are working class people. Lots of fast food and retail workers, those that clean and maintain buildings, and office workers and para-professionals. Hard working and lovable people. Unlike me, many in my community have systematically not had access to the life perks I grew up with, like a good education or two parent home.

What I am learning and often through de-programing my biases and prejudices, is that yes, God does “love the world” — the whole world, and not just people of similar skin color or economic setting or language or sexual orientation. We love the sheep God has called us to help shepherd.

“Then the king will reply to them, ‘I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me.” ~ Matt. 25:40

8.  The Family — Sometimes messy and always imperfect, our family and extended family is one of God’s true life gifts that gives us great joy!

FullSizeRender 76Most of our travels brought us to places where we were able to visit and lodge with family. What a treat! Specifically we were able to spend much time with our daughter Katelyn and husband Jesse Bianconi. We love Jesse and as well Jesse’s family who are kind, loving, giving and godly people. They blessed us with many conversations, retreat like lodging, and food and drink.

We are learning that it takes time, effort, and energy — and yes lots of grace, to live in healthy community as family. We embrace our likeness and love of Jesus, and we learn from and are charitable in our differences.

We love our family with all of our quirkiness and imperfections. As it has increased in size through the years with spouses and in-laws, and then OF COURSE the grand kids — our hope and prayers are to leave a legacy of family that loves God, loves each other, and loves their neighbors and world around them. May it be so!

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” ~ Joshua 24:15 NIV

9.  The Conversation — If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for a good conversation. In God’s creative laboratory, when he created me, he gave me an extra dose of listening. I love this about myself! This gift has served me well as I engage in a lot of listening to people’s hopes and hurts. It is truly a gift when someone shares their stories and struggles.

163087-Be-Not-Inhospitable-To-StrangersWhat I am learning is that if I will just have my God antenna up, and not be in such a hurry — you never know when, or where, or with whom, God might place next to you on a park bench.

This was amazingly evident during our time away. God placed me on some pretty cool park benches and restaurant booths to be encouraged and challenged by his work in the world.

One such conversation was with a friend of a friend, Dan Grider who happens to live in Knoxville, TN where we were visiting with the Bianconi’s. Dan is the founder and lead architect of Ignite Discipleship http://ignitediscipleship.com whose hope is to plant 400 churches in the next ten years. BHAG for sure, but after spending time in a BBQ joint with Dan, I think it’s possible. Some cool stuff happening and grateful that God is still creatively making ways for the good news to flourish.

Another conversation of sorts included a day in the car driving and listening on the radio to the memorial service of Muhammad Ali. Who knows what God may have been up to through the life of this man who was a devout Muslim. One thing for sure, he lived and left quite a legacy of love and peace and made the world a better place.

Don’t neglect to open up your homes to guests, because by doing this some have been hosts to angels without knowing it.” ~ Hebrews 13:2 CEB

10.  The Gift — Along with the gift of conversation and listening, God too has given me the gift of giving to others. You know my intent here, not to be braggadocios in any way, but to recognize the blessing and responsibility of stewarding well God’s goodness in my own life.

mother-theresa-quoteAnd one of the confounding paradoxes in our new non-profit life is that in reducing our personal income by 75%, God has no less diminished our passion for giving to the needs of others. So now, though it may not be as large in amounts, God has expanded in us his creativity to give.

It brought great joy and fun on our time away to give away our story to others of God’s work. To eat in restaurants and give hard working waiters and waitresses tips as large as the meal. To give coffee mugs, and books, and roadside peaches to our hosts. To give hugs and kisses and words of affirmation. To give time to listen and pray with people.

We are grateful that we are continuing to learn, whether in big ways or small ways, it is more blessed to give, than to receive.

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” ~ Acts 20:35 ESV

So…that’s my “top ten” list, what’s yours?

In a world of bigger, better and faster, stronger — it seems that God continues to choose to speak in a whisper, a still small voice.

“Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.~ 1 Kings 19:11-12 NKJV

May you take time and rest, and in that resting listen for the still small voice of God!

Loving Community,


John 1:14


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