What I Am STILL Learning From Dr. Seuss — #RestBreak2016

Dr. Seuss STILL makes me laugh! Perhaps he makes you laugh too? Fancy in your wildest dreams a cast of silly storybook characters imparting such a lifetime of wisdom. As our society spirals and daily looses more sense of...

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Finding Rest In A Restless World — #RestBreak2016

Has the world gone ape? As I briefly re-connect to current events, apparently yes! Social media and news outlets are all a buzz. Human error, tragic consequences, blame affixed, anger ensues, harsh words, values questioned, news cycle continues. —...

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Stop the Glorification of Busyness — Rest Break 2016

“As the founder of a public charity, I visit the large offices of wealthy donors, the crowded rooms of social service agencies, and the small houses of the poorest families. Remarkably, within this mosaic there is a universal refrain:...

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Follow Up — A Walk In The Woods — The Rich Experiences of a Poor Man’s Sabbatical

It’s true, “Sabbath keeping is a discipline that will mess with you, because once you move beyond just thinking about it and actually begin to practice it, the goodness of it will capture you, body, soul and spirit. You...

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A Walk In The Woods — The Rich Experiences of a Poor Man’s Sabbatical

I am committed to the practice of sabbath. Now to be honest, that’s not alway been the case. Surrounded by many “career climbing colleagues",  and “ego stroking employers", I have spent many early mornings and late nights burning the...

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