Merry Christmas 2018 from Jim & Sharon Mustain
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. ~ Matthew 1:23
God with us. Yes, I think that’s a fitting phrase to capture our sentiments of this past year. God has surely been with us! Sharon and I both celebrated our 58th birthdays along with 38 years of marriage. Our family gained one with the birth of grandson Owen Paul to our youngest daughter Katelyn and husband Jesse Bianconi in Knoxville, TN. We are grateful for his new life and now four grandchildren, with one additional Timothy Paul awaiting us on the other side. Being a Mimi & Papa Jim is the BEST!
Something small but telling of our year’s aspirations, Sharon and I both began using a new valediction (farewell) in our correspondence, “live humbly and kind”. In a season when our country has retreated from all norms of civility and decency, our hope for us and others, is a return to humility and kindness! We have been encouraged as we’ve participated with our local school district in this year’s “Be Kind” initiative. Hope!
We too are learning from our imperfections and flaws. A good reminder to be gentle with others and ourselves. A quote we came across from John Steinbeck’s classic book East of Eden says, “And now that I don’t have to be perfect, I can be good.” This could be the genesis for a next tattoo! And speaking of, I got my second this year “The light shines in the darkness”. Don’t judge until you try it! 🙂
Together we continue to live out and practice the Jesus rhythms in our community. Sharon is in her 12th year at Elite Learning Academy teaching elementary language arts to the elite gymnast at Texas Dreams Gymnastics. I am completing my 4th year as a Community Pastor and Neighborhood Advocate with Loving Community, and also directing the missionary formation work of Forge Dallas. We live full and simple lives with the hopes of being good neighbors and bringing a little heaven to earth!
Our children and their children continue in their same meaningful routines with Chad, Heather &
Jimmie in Dallas, TX, Caleb, Joy & Titus and Hannah in Edmond, OK and Jesse, Katelyn & Owen (the newbie of the fam) in Knoxville, TN. Also after my dad’s passing in 2017, we transitioned my mom into a memory care center in Bethany, OK were she is happy and well cared for and will live out her days.
We are grateful for family, the opportunities to give back, that our needs are met, times of travel, meaningfully relationships with others, our general good health, friendships, those who love, support, and volunteer with us in Loving Community — AND that God is with us.
May you too know his presence in your life — and seek to live humbly and kind in the coming year!
Merry Christmas!
Jim & Sharon