My friend’s prayers were sincere, heartfelt and much appreciated. As I had just eagerly delivered one of my first “90-second elevator speeches” to this assembled lunch table of older friends, he volunteered to offer a prayer for our meal and me.

His ensuing prayer graciously covered the catfish, pinto beans and cornbread set before us. Then came his prayer for me. A good bit less defined, and almost stumbling to find the words of what exactly he was invoking the mighty one to do on my behalf! Grasping for the right words, finally he prayed, “God we ask that you bless Jim and whatever it is this “thing” that he is doing” – AMEN.

As I raised my bowed head somewhat disappointingly, I knew my elevator speech needed a lot more polishing in what it is, this “thing”, that God has called me to.

I wonder if in some small way this was Jesus’ feelings as he stood before the religious leaders of his day? Jesus what exactly is this “thing” that you are doing and does it fit into our paradigm ladened with “thou shalts and thou shalt nots”?

Jesus elevator speech was simple and refined. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…and love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

Keeping the main thing the main thing is sage counsel, both personally and in business pursuits. Easy to comprehend, not easy to pull off.

Dear friends, this is how you can pray for this new “thing” God has called me to. That we might see the words of Jesus true in us as we attempt to “be good neighbors by connecting people into relationships and serving the needs of our community”.

God, you make beautiful things!




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