A Journey Begins With One Step – Hike to Help 2019
So what do you want to be when you grow up? Kids of every generation have fielded some form of that question. It’s almost a right of passage. And the answers run the gambit. Some parents brim with pride if their little ones rattle off a respected or high paying vocation — a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, a professional athlete, a lawyer (well maybe not a lawyer) :)! But you get the point.
However the distance between childhood dreams and future reality is large. Sometimes these aspirations never materialize due to the lack of opportunity. Many children are born into zip codes or their skin color denies them an equal playing field. Others will lack the guidance they need to plan for the future. Some will lack the stamina and hard work to achieve their goals.
Face it, turning dreams into reality is hard work. However not impossible so says the wisdom of the Chinese proverb which sates “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
And that “one step” is a core philosophy in the student mentoring initiatives sponsored by Loving Community. What “one step” — and then next step, and next step, can inspire a student to begin their “journey of a thousand miles”, ultimately allowing them to earn and learn what it means to achieve their lifetime goals.
The Scriptures affirm the value and practice of goal setting. “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” writes the Apostle Paul in Phil. 3:14
Hike to Help is an annual hike along some portion of the Ouachita Trail in Arkansas/Oklahoma. This year the dates are January 12-13, 2019. This is an opportunity to set a goal of strapping on a 40 pound back pack, hiking 5 miles a day, sleeping overnight in a tent, and yes doing your business in the woods! This may be outside your comfort zone. But like any worthy and stretching journey it begins one step at a time.
I’d love to invite you to begin taking some steps, literally and train up over the next 10-weeks and be a part of Hike to Help. It’s fun, it’s challenging, you will build some new friendships.
The cost is $200 which funds your entire trip, backpacking gear if you need, and most of all you will help fund the mentoring initiatives of Loving Community which helps boys and young men not only dream, but have the tools they need to achieve their life goals.
For more information contact Jim Mustain at [email protected] To sign up for the hike follow this link: https://goo.gl/forms/TjfqWuOKMRF3tXoJ2