child-lost-in-crowdTopping the list of every parents worst nightmare is loosing their child in a crowded space. I’ve been there. Immediate panic, shortness of breath, adrenalin racing – in that moment you are laser focused on the search.

Gratefully the reunion happens. Absence of seconds or minutes seems like hours. You are overwhelmed with emotion. What was lost is now found. And all of this, through the eyes of a care provider.

What about the lost child? I’ve been there too. Fear, tears, aloneness, shear terror. Momentary wandering or carelessness. Nonetheless, separation from the source of help and hope and comfort. Feelings of lostness.

Consider this perspective. The lost child is on an equally desperate search. Looking for that one that can bring help and comfort and hope. The reunion happens, and the child clings tightly to their rescuer.

Luke 4 tells us that at a moment of lostness and desperation “…the crowds went looking (for Jesus) and, when they found him (Jesus), they clung to him…”

There is much lostness in our world. It’s veiled in many faces. Often it preys on societies most vulnerable, our children.

So here’s my point. I believe “the crowds are still looking…”  for Jesus. (including and maybe especially children). The question is,  ARE WE looking for the children? 

I often say, “be a hero, serve a child”. These days I find much need (and openness) in the schools of my neighborhood – Rockbrook Elementary, Durham Middle, and Lewisville High School.

It’s emails like this from school  educators that speak to the need, “I am looking for two male mentors to come meet with some 5th grade boys during their lunch time. It would only be 30 minutes from 11:20-11:50, and could be either T, W, Th. They are really tough kiddos, but if someone was up for the challenge I think it could be really good for them.” – Beth Ann

Did you catch it – “I am looking for…”  The question is, are we looking?

Jesus you are my rescuer. You found me when I was lost. Thank you that you invite me to join your eternal rescue team. I pray others may join in the search, knowing that the crowds are still looking and when they find you, they will cling to you!


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